Art made by Akiirama

Oxe's comissions

Hey there, I'm Oxe!
I'm a young, freelance, digital artist from Poland.
Mostly creating furry art, both SFW and NSFW.
My art may contain blood, gore, kinks and other quite sensitive content, be warned.

Artwork examples

You can find examples like these on my pricelist and decide what you'd like


Reminder that you have to be 18+ to order any NSFW artwork

szkic // 10pln
lineart // 15pln
flatcolor // 20pln
cieniowane // 25pln
BUST (głównie postacie anthro)
szkic // 15pln
lineart // 20pln
flatcolor // 30pln
cieniowane // 40pln
szkic // 30pln
lineart // 35pln
flatcolor // 40pln
cieniowane // 50pln
pojedynczy rzut postaci (feral lub anthro) // 50pln
dwa rzuty postaci (back and front) // 70pln
trzy rzuty postaci (przód, tył i bok) // 100pln
+ forma feral // 20pln
+ zbliżenia postaci (np pysk, oczy, łapki) // 15pln KAŻDE
+ akcesoria // 10pln KAŻDE
+ ubrania // 15pln KAŻDE
Jeśli chciał(a) byś coś innego, napisz do mnie - wycenimy to indywidualnie~
headshot // 50pln
fullbody // 100pln
ikonka // 20pln
fullbody // 40pln
prosta scena // 80pln
bust flat // 20pln
cieniowany bust // 25pln
fullbody flat // 30pln
cienowane fullbody // 35pln
około // 50-80pln
przygotuj proszę moodboard pod swoją postać
Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany(a) czymkolwiek spoza tej listy, napisz do mnie, wycenimy to indywidualnie.
1 naklejka // 15pln
5 naklejek // 65pln
10 naklejek // 120pln
Nsfw jest wyceniane jako dwukrotność podstawowej ceny danej pracy. Przykładowo, jeśli chcesz cieniowane fullbody związanej postaci [lub cokolwiek innego] zapłacisz 2x50pln. Cenówka dotyczy każdej postaci indywidualnie, jeśli na pracy ma znajdować się ich więcej. Wszelakie kinki, niezależnie czy postać jest naga czy nie, zaliczam pod NSFW.
proste tło (kolorek, gradient w tle) // za darmo
niezbyt skomplikowane tło // 15-20pln zależnie od typu pracy
pełne tło // od 40pln
dodatkowa postać na pracy to 50%-100% ceny bazowej, zależnie od tego ile tej postaci widać oraz od skomplikowania designu.
jeśli jesteś zainteresowany by moje postaci pojawiły się z twoimi na pracy - dodawanie ich będzie za darmo [z wyłączeniem prac NSFW]


sketch 5$
lineart 10$
flat 15$
shaded 20$
BUST (mostly anthro)
sketch 10$
lineart 15$
flat 20$
shaded 25$
sketch 13$
lineart 17$
flat 25$
shaded 30$
single view (feral or anthro) 45$
two views (back and front) 55$
three views (front, back, side) 75$
+ feral form 15$
+ close-up 5$
+ accessories 1$ EACH
+ clothing 5$ EACH
if you'd like something else/more - ask! I'll set price individually!
headshot 40$
fullbody 60$
icon 5$
animated icon 20$
pagedoll 20$
animated pagedoll 30$
simple scene 30$
animated simple scene 60$
bust flat 15$
shaded bust 20$
fullbody flat 25$
shaded fullbody 30$
1 sticker // 4usd
5 stickers // 17usd
10 stickers // 31usd
about 40-50$
please prepare a moodboard for it
If there's anything you'd like from me which isn't included in that list
feel free to ask me about it!
Nsfw art is priced as double base price. For example - if you want fullbody of your character tied up [or anything else] you'll pay 2x40$. Pricing applies to each character individually.
simple background [photo,gradient etc] - free
not very complicated background 5-10$ depends on type of art
full background 20$
additional characters 50%-100% of base price depending on complexity
if you somehow want my oc's with your on comissioned art - adding them will be for free [not in NSFW artworks though]


Rules and general TOS
» I speak both Polish and English!
» Ordering means you understand and accept my Terms Of Service
» I require a clean digital Reference of your character. I don't accept sketch references or characters from "description" - it's called a custom design.
» There is a categorical prohibition on coloring, editing my lineart/artwork, and anything of such matter. This will momentarily cause blacklisting.
» As a customer, you have the right to use and publish my artwork, but only when it is properly credited.
» I have the right to promote myself with the art I made for you. (which means - I can add it to my price sheet, and use it as an example for my commissions).
» Artwork is watermarked on every stage. I won't remove my watermark and you're not allowed to do so as well.
» I prefer to only communicate in proffesional matter, don't treat me as your friend, it is uncomfortable.
» I demand you to treat me with respect.
» While ordering NSFW piece I will ask about your age, but if you lie about it, I don't take any responsibilty on type of content you're or your child is exposing themselves to.
» Breaking my rules means you will be blacklisted, and likely, blocked.


You need to be at least 13 to commission me (minors have to pay upfront). The account you’re paying with must be yours or your parents'/guardian's who agreed to such a payment.PayPal only (bank transfers and BLIK but only for Polish customers).I will not start work on anything paid for by bank transfer until it clears!Full payment after the sketch preferred, but I am flexible here.Commission must be fully paid in order for me to progress past lineart stage.My prices are in USD and PLN (reserved only for Polish customers.) and are negotiable.Tips are very welcome after the work is done! ♥


I take commissions as slots, which I open from time to time. Ususally it's one person per slot, which means you can get one artpiece by taking a slot, though, it might change depending on call, so make sure to check description under slots opening post.I finish most of my commission within 2 weeks - 8 months [depending on commission type]I don't mind being asked for progress; don't be afraid to contact me at any time during the commission process! The most reliable way to contact me is via telegram (@Oxeuoza) or discord (oxeyy).I am open to drawing most subjects and species, but if I'm not sure of my abilities to take your request I'll let you know.I do accept drawing mature and NSFW artworks, thou you need to be 18+ for that and I will check that.


If you're not happy with your finished commission - please communicate with me! I would rather try to fix it than send you off with something you’re unhappy with. Whether or not I charge extra (if it's my mistake, I won't) depends on how much work needs to be done.I will refund ONLY the amount that corelates to amount of work I haven't already done. I won't refund for already finished pieces. I might re-use the refunded piece for an YCH,
so please be aware of that.
I will send you the sketch before lining to make sure everything is okay. But if it isn't - I can change or add things in this artwork. Sketch is the only state where I can really change things, so make sure you really are satisfied. If you want me to re-do whole thing - you'll be charged price of sketch that I've already drawn for you.When you receive your commission you're free to upload and do whatever with it! All I ask is that you credit me properly and don't edit the artwork itself without letting me know first (especially if it's something I can edit for you).After I finish a commission, I'll keep the editable file for a week afterwards. During that 1 week period I will be still up for making any changes in piece, but only then, make sure to check piece for any mistakes.


Anthro; Feral; Simple bgs; Gore; Nudity; NSFW;
Humans; Complex bgs; Complex outfits; Some fetishes (ask)
Hyper realistic artwork; Some fetishes;
You can choose between soft and hard lineart and shading.
Work takes me about 2 weeks - 8 months - I'll inform about delays.
You can ask for WIP's whenever you want - I'll send everything you need.
I can ask for extra money if the design is very complicated.

Being blacklisted means you are not allowed to commission me.
You're also likely to be blocked, which means that I do not want any contact.
Do not harass people listed here, but be aware of their actions
AKipper/AKi/Lucian/AK?pper - personal reasons, but also tracing and stealing my art telling people it was made by them.
Dan creations/Klarki - art stealer/tracer


You can contact me via these media:
I'll reply as soon as possible!